Volunteer Help Wanted

Volunteers Needed:

Help Wanted:

Volunteers need to clean church halls after family funeral receptions

 We are looking for some volunteers to help clean and clear tables and remove the trash after family funeral receptions in the halls at both churches.  This would be a great help to the volunteers setting up the hall before and during the reception.  

We are also looking for a new ministry leader for this ministry. 

For more information contact Debbie Secondo at debbie.secondo@cath-comm.org


Help Wanted:


Gift Card for Haiti

We are looking for more people to help sell cards after all Masses at St. Matthew and after the 8am and 10am Masses at St. Bernard with the hope of expanding at St. Bernard.  We sell once a month with pick up the following weekend. We are looking for 1 Mass a weekend twice a month.

For more information contact Debbie Secondo at debbie.secondo@cath-comm.org

Help Wanted:

St. Bernard’s Church still needs volunteers!

We have been serving a COFFEE AND DOUNUT FELLOWSHIP after the 8:00 & 10:00 Masses on Sundays at St. Bernard’s Church, but we are still in need of helping hands to lighten the load!

  • Setting out donuts and making coffee
  • Clean up
  • Families welcome as teams or individuals can join a team
  • Serve for one Mass or both
  • Rotating schedule, no summer time commitment

Please contact Janet Chamberland to sign up at:  volunteer@cath-comm.org  


Help Wanted:


As a greeter, you would be welcoming parishioners arriving to Mass as well as wishing them well after Mass.  All you need is a willingness to help.

As an usher, not only would you help with collections during Mass, ushers also take care of additional needs during Mass. Some of these are answering questions before, during and after Mass relating to bathroom location, elevator, and being helpful to any needs that may arise. 

Men or women can serve the Church in both roles. All you need is a willingness to help.

If you have any questions or would like to help out, contact Steve Linton at Ushers-SaintBernard@cath-comm.org  This is a wonderful way to be active in your Church.